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Ayurved Jeevan -Natural Health Ayurveda Jeevan - Stay Healthy Naturally
way to stay healthy without medicines

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In the modern world, most people suffer from many diseases, and they don’t have sufficient time to take care of their health and body with full dedication, but it is not very tuff to achieve this by making some simple and easy changes in our lifestyle. We are committed to providing the provide you with the best possible care of your body with the help of Ayurveda, which is traditional Indian Medical science to treat most of the Dieses using herbs and natural practices.


Aayu(Life)+Veda(Knowledge) =Ayurveda(aka Ayurved) was developed in India for more then 5000 years and it is a very well-known Science to treat health issues. It is not just the medical science but also the lifescience which teaches us the knowledge of Health, prevention and cureity. Despite of your age sex and gender, it will give you the way of living.

Five Elements(Panch Mahabhoota)

The five basic elements of life are called the Pancha Mahabhutas - Akasa (sky or ether), Vayu (air), Tejas (fire), Ap (water)and Prithvi (earth). Ayurveda believes that all living and non-living things on earth, including humans, are made up of these five elements in varying degrees, whose constitution remains unchanged and constant throughout life.
These five elements combine to form the three senses of humour of Vata, pitta and Kapha (also called the Tridoshas together) which is the cornerstone of Ayurvedic philosophy. Any change in these tridoshas leads to an imbalance in us causing diseases, and our survival and ability to fight diseases would depend on how easily we adapt to our environment.

The Element of Akasa (Ether)
In the human body, there are many spaces for free movement. E.g. the movement of ingested food from the mouth into the stomach happens through the windpipe. These spaces (Srotas or channels of transport) are a presentation of the Akasa element. They are formed during the development of the baby in the mother’s womb. Their srotas or channels of transport are present in different systems of the body, for example, digestive systems, respiratory systems, circulatory systems, Lymphatic system cells etc. which can be considered to be derived from the ether or Akasa element.
The Element of Vayu (Air)
Air is the second cosmic element, the element of movement. Within the human body, the air is present in the larger movements of the muscles, the pulsations of the heart, the expanding and contracting of the lungs and the movements of the stomach wall and intestines. Air is also present in the electrical movements of nerves within our body, and therefore the entire central nervous system is governed by the element Air (Vayu mahabhuta).
The Element of Tejas (Fire)
The third element is Tejas or Fire. In the solar system, the source of fire and light is the sun. In our body, the source of fire is the metabolism and it assists in the digestive system. It also manifests as intelligence in our brain cells. Fire also activates the retina which perceives light. In short, body temperature, digestion, the thinking processes and vision are all functions of bodily Fire.
The Element of Ap (Water)
Ap or Water is the fourth important element in the body. It manifests in the secretions of the juices in the digestive tract and the salivary glands, in the mucus membranes and plasma and inside the body cells. Water is vital for the functioning of the tissues, organs and various bodily systems, and is therefore called the Water of Life. The sense of taste is perceived by Ap mahabhuta
The Element of Prithvi (Earth)
Prithvi or the Earth is the fifth and last element of the universe that is present in the microcosm of man. Life is possible on this planet because Earth holds all living and nonliving substances to its solid surface. Similarly, in the body, the solid structures - bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons, skin, nails and hair - are derived from Earth.

The Panch Mahabhutas also manifest in the functioning of the five senses of man – Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth - which are related to hearing, touch, vision, taste and smell, respectively. Ayurveda regards the human body and its sensory experiences as manifestations of universal energy expressed in the five basic elements. The understanding of these concepts aims to help us bring our body into perfect harmony with its conscious mind.
Any of the Dieses that takes place in the body is because of Tridosh in the body.

According to Ayurveda, human body is defined as follows:
the human body is primarily made up of Saptadhatus.
“Saptadhatus” is a Sanskrit word, which means seven constituent elements [Sapta=seven, dhatus=tissues]. These seven dhatus are responsible for the entire structure of the body. The dhatus maintain the functioning of different systems, organs and vital parts of the body and play a significant role in the development and nourishing of the body. The dhatus are also part of the body’s protective mechanism. With the help of agni (fire), they are responsible for the immune processes. Each tissue or dhatu is primarily governed by one of the tridoshas – vata, pitta & kapha. When one dhatu is defective, it affects the successive dhatu, as each dhatu receives its nourishment from the dhatu preceding it. The seven most important dhatus are presented here in serial order:
  1. Rasa (Plasma) which is the first dhatu which contains nutrients & minerals from digested food and which nourishes & replenishes all the tissues and organs.
  2. Rakta (blood) which transports oxygen to all tissues and vital organs and maintains life.
  3. Mamsa (muscle) which covers the delicate vital organs, and enables movements of bones & joints and maintains the physical capacity and strength of the body.
  4. Meda (Adipose tissue) maintains the lubrication and oiliness of all the tissues.
  5. Asthi (bones and Cartilage) gives support to the body structure.
  6. Majja (bone marrow) fills up the bony spaces.
  7. Shukra which are the reproductive tissues responsible for reproduction. Sperm in males and Ova in females.
Any disease where vata-pitta-kapha are involved, the vitiated doshas directly affect the dhatus. With insight into the governing dosha, the cause of a diseased dhatu is accurately determined. The disturbed dosha ( vata, pitta or kapha ) and improper dhatus are always directly involved in the disease process. Once the root cause of the illness is known, the corresponding therapies are used to balance the system through reducing the excess element(s) and increasing the deficient one(s). Balance of the dhatus can be maintained by taking steps to keep the tridoshas in balance through a proper diet, exercise and recovery program.
  1. According to WHO reports 60% of related factor to individual’s health and quality of life are correlated to lifestyle in recent decades Malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abusing, improper use of electronic & I.T. gadgets etc. Are some examples of unhealthy lifestyle.
  2. According to Global Change Data Lab 35%(Approx.) people Across the globe are suffering from Mental Disorder.
  3. According to the World Health Organization, 3.6 percent — or about 264 million individuals worldwide — have an anxiety disorder. Additionally, 4.6 percent of females and 2.6 percent of males globally are affected by anxiety.
Effects of unhealthy lifestyle:
Millions of people encounter illness, disability, problems like: Metabolic dieses, Joint & skeletal problems, cardio-vascular dieses, hypertension, overweight, violence and even death. We are committed to providing the provide you with the best possible care of your body with the help of Ayurveda, which is traditional Indian Medical science to treat most Diseases using herbs and natural practices.
According to Ayurveda before going for any treatment one should check his/her Prakriti (Body Nature) with the help of an Ayurvedic practitioner or by asking these questions with himself/herself honestly:
  1. Body Frame (how is your body built are you skinny, Moderate, or obese?)
  2. How you walk and talk (fast, slow, or moderate)
  3. Weather reaction (changes you faced in weather change on your mind and body)
  4. Sweating (is it less or High)
  5. Appetite (how frequently you feel hungry (high or less))
  6. Skin type (fair, dark, or yellowish)
  7. Hair (how are your hairs (dark or light, thin or thick, soft, or rough))
  8. Lips and teeth
  9. Eyes (your eye type like texture, colour, size etc.)
  10. Memory (How is your memory and learning pace)
  11. Nature of your mentality (how is your approach, do you worry a lot or do not worry about much, attitude is positive or negative?)
  12. Taking actions (how often do you take actions: very quickly or slowly?)
  13. Sleep Quality (How do you sleep: stable or unstable?)
  14. Emotional Nature (are you an emotional person or a tuff person?)

Based on the above questions, you can find your Prakriti as follows:

Usually, they are thin and weak in body. They are average in physique. They are bigger in size usually; they have weight in their bodies.
Their complexion is usually dark or tan and they have dry skin. They are fair but have a yellowish texture in their skin, their skin is soft and shiny but leads to wrinkles very early, their body is usually a bit warm. They are fair and have soft and moisture skin, their body temperament is usually cold.
The person with Vaat dosh has dry hairs Their hairs are usually soft and shiny but thin and fall very early. Persons with kaph Dosh have Dark and stable hairs.
The volume of hairs in the Eyebrow is generally low in the person with Vaat Dosh These people also have small eyebrows but are soft. These people have Heavy, black, and long eyebrows.
People with Vata Dosh have usually Dry eyes and their eyes are unstable whose move from here and there. The eyes of people with Pitt Dosh have wet eyes and little yellowish they have stability in them. These people have Clear and white eyeballs.
These people have Noisy joints usually and their bones are weak and light, they usually have joint pain at a later age These people have moderate bones health and have less pain in the joint in comparison to People with Vata dosha These People have good bone health and don’t suffer from noisy joints and arthritis at Later age.
These people have low appetite, and their hunger is very unstable These people have a normal appetite, and they eat at regular intervals. These people are very foody and have a high Appetite and eat very frequently.
Thirst is also not stable with these people and sometimes high and sometimes low. These people have high thirst and drink more water in comparison to people with Kaph Prakriti These people have a low thirst and don’t drink much water usually.
People with Vata Dosh usually suffer from Constipation and digestion issues. These people have a normal stool, but the waste amount is usually high in comparison to the other two categories. These People have normal stool and digestion is also good.
These people usually have low sweating and are more comfortable with the summer season generally These People have high sweating and are sensitive towards warm weather in general. People with Kaph Dosh are usually Winter lovers and have low sweating they are also sensitive to Summer.
People with Vata Dosh have low sleep quality and do not sleep much and their sleep breaks very easily, they might suffer from Insomnia if the Problem persists for a long. These People have moderate sleep quality and usually don’t face any difficulty in sleeping. These People have good sleep quality, and they can sleep easily anywhere. Their sleep duration is also long in comparison to the other two categories.
The Voice of these people is generally less soft, and clarity is also low. They switch to another topic very frequently. Usually, these people are nice speakers and have clarity in their voice. These People are generally good speakers, and their voice is heavy but has clarity.
Menstruation Cycle in females is painful with these people and have low bleeding usually. The menstruation cycle of females in this category is a little high and have a bad odour usually. The menstruation cycle with these people in females is normal generally.

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*Please note that these symptoms are indicative only based on the research available and individuals’ condition may differ, so please consult your physician/Medical practitioner before taking any medication or treatment. (Try to avoid self-medication as much as possible.)

Know more about these Prakriti by clicking on the below links:

Vaat Prakriti

is the situation where, there is the dominancy of Vaat Dosh takes place in the body, usually in this case the Body of the person is thin and skin is dry, Voice is also not soft, Persons with Vaat dosh have low stability in their mind and body(Quick learner but short term memory, low concentration, can’t sit for a long), they are sensitive to Cold and likes warm weather and foods, they get excited very soon and have negativity in their thoughts usually, Appetite is irregular and in females, the Menstruation is painful(abdomen and back especially).
  • Oil massage using Till, Mustered or Narayan oil and the use of these oils.
  • Put some drops in the nose of till oil.
  • Have some swathe and sunlight regularly.
  • Press your body and use Bandages for getting relaxed.
  • Eat Sweet, Salty and Citric foods.
  • Use warm water and eat Gur.
  • Exercise should be light and do not exercise a lot.
  • Reduce unnecessary motions.
  • Use Herbs like Ashwagandha and Asvarishtha (Draksharishtha etc.)
  • If the problem is chronic consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for Panchakarma.

  • Pitt Prakriti

    People of this nature are violent and sensitive to heat and sun, they love cold weather and food, their skin is soft and warm, their body size is moderate their skin is glowing but have some yellowish texture on their skin but this leads to wrinkles soon. Their appetite is moderate, and they are sensitive to spices and have high thirst, swathe (but smells in bad odour), in females have menstruation with high bleeding. They like hygiene and moderate sleep.

  • People with Pitt Dosh should avoid Spices, non-veg, tea & coffee and fast food.
  • Should follow correct timing of food, eat only when hungry and should consume traditional food more.
  • Should take care more in Sept. and Oct. and teenage.
  • Should not be hungry
  • Stress should be avoided and should follow the hobbies they like, Music, walking etc.
  • Don’t consume much of the medicines, instead follow omkar Yoga etc.

  • Foods:
  • Castor oil, Pure Ghee, Amla, Soaked Black Raisins, Gulkand, Neem and Karela should be used.
  • If the problem persists one should consult with the medical practitioner for Panchakarma like Avipitika etc.

  • Kapha Prakriti:

    Kapha Prakriti is the situation in which there is a dominancy of Kapha dosha in the human body and People with this Prakrirti are usually are of Fair, oily and cool skin. Their Joints are also strong and don’t sound while walking and they have a Bulky Body usually. Their Hairs are also black, Voice of such people is sweet & Heavy. These people are very sensitive to cold weather and don’t like winter much. They have low appetite and thirst and works most of the work in slow motion like slow eating, slow movements etc. But Mentally these people are very intelligent and have cool & calm nature and doesn’t get irritated easily but keep the things in mind for a long, their mind is controlled and have long term memory, People with Kapha Prakriti are Hugine lovers and it is believed in Ayurveda that they live long and stay Wealthy.
    Cure to Access Kapha Prakriti:
  • People with Kapha Prakriti should consume foods that are Spicy, Bitter and astringent in taste.
  • Food should be warm like Ginger, garlic etc.
  • Methi, neem, karela, and Giloy Herb should be used.
  • Consume the foods which are Dry like Gram, Peanuts etc.
  • Oily & Fried foods including non-veg should be Avoided and the Quantity of food should also be below.
  • Although it is not a good practice to stay awake late in the night it is considered in the case of Kapha Prakriti.
  • Little Stress can be taken by such people to balance the body.
  • Various Physical activities and exercises should be performed like walking, Workout, Yoga etc.
  • Do fasting for at least a week(if not possible then consider one-time food only for that day).
  • Keep Active Lifestyle
  • Take Old and pure honey in the Morning at room temperature(never mix water in any form(hot/cold))
  • Rub Triphla and dry Grain Powder eg. Barley (Jau) on your body, it will help you to balance the Kapha in your body.
  • Oil pulling is very important for your body.
  • If you feel more discomfort because of Kapha, consult with your Ayurvedic Doctor for Panchkarma Vaman Chikitstsa(Treatment) etc.

  • Improve your health by making some simple changes in your lifestyle:

    1. Wake up early in the morning and gargle and drink a glass of water (wake up before sunrise) this will keep you happy.
    2. Putt the water in the copper for the whole night and drink it in the morning, this will help in smooth stool and remove constipation
    3. While stool (Latrine) keeping your jaw tightly closed help in making teeth healthy and solves the problem of Paralyze.
    4. Soaking water to your eyes during face wash will increase your eyesight.
    5. Washing hands & legs before food will increase your appetite
    6. Don’t drink water at least 48 min. before food and 1-hour post lunch will help you in getting rid of Constipation.
    7. Walk for some time after the food will also help in digestion.
    8. Massage with oil for at least twice in a week and take sun bath.
    9. Passing the urine after the food eliminates many dieses including nightfall
    10. Don’t intercourse at least for 3 hours after Dinner, it could lead for many Abdominal issues.
    11. Do not feed the child after sex, it affects badly on the health of Child.
    12. Diabetes patient should walk regularly to stop sugar passing in urine.
    13. If someone excessively drunk, give him/her pure lime juice, it reduces the Alcohol as well as the effect of coffee & afeemi.
    14. If You had eaten a lot of mangoes also eat 2-4 black plum to prevent Damage, Same in case of excessive black plum.
    Stay Healthy and Fit Naturally with Ayurveda

    *Please note that the information provided above is for educational purposes only and results may vary on various factors, so doesn't guarantee the result, please consult your doctor/physician before taking any medicine in case of serious illness.Detailed T&C